Travel Soccer Parent Portal
The Victor Soccer Club, Inc. was established to promote the play of soccer among the children of Farmington, Victor, the Victor Central School District, and other nearby communities. The objective of the club is to teach soccer skills, team play, and sportsmanship through a variety of recreational, developmental, and competitive programs.
The club provides the opportunity for kids to grow, play, and love the game of soccer. The club strives to promote all of the benefits that are provided our players as a result of their participation in the program – personal growth, confidence, skill and agility development, mental sharpness, accomplishment, lasting friendships and memories, strong bodies, and a true love for the game.

Our travel program is often misunderstood because of the name. Yes it is a travel program but the travel in most instances is within the Greater Rochester Area and outlining areas. Our league is governed by the Rochester District Youth Soccer League (RDYSL) for all league play. Please visit their website for more information and details on rules, games days, divisions, etc!
Below are some of the details of our Competitive/Travel program we hope you find helpful:
The Travel process begins with player evaluations/tryouts. These are typically held at the end of July but at times we may adjust the tryout month later into the season.
This program kicks off practices indoors starting in November. We train at the Pinnacle Athletic Campus on Monday or Wednesday evenings. Practice nights are requested by the coaching staff and a final schedule will be provided to all rostered players with specific day and time. Indoor practices will run through April. Once the weather is nice and fields are approved for use in May coaches have the opportunity to select 2 practice sessions per week. Spring/Summer practice sessions will start in May and continue through the end of July. The coaching staff requests the schedule and will be posted to TeamSnap for all rostered players.
- Victor Soccer Club is a member of the Rochester District Youth Soccer League (RDYSL) league.
- All games are local games within the Great Rochester Area.
- League play consists of 12 games (6 Home & 6 Away).**U18 and above age level only have 10 games.
- The season starts in Mid May and will run through the first week in August. Please refer to the RDYSL website for complete details.
Uniforms are provided as part of the league fee for all rostered players. We have a two year uniform period where we will order new uniforms every 2 years/seasons.
As an example the 2022 season is the second year of the two year program so only new players to the program will receive a uniform. A new uniform will be provided to all players for the 2023 season.
Victor Soccer Club uses a program called TeamSnap to hold all of the teams, rosters, and schedules.
When you registered for tryouts you may have noticed this was a TeamSnap account you created. Once you are offered a postion on a team your child we be placed onto a team in TeamSnap. You can access TeamSnap via the web or via the mobile app. You should use the same email and password used when you registered to access the account.
Helpful Quick Start Links:
All practice and game schedules can be found using the TeamSnap account used to register for travel soccer evaluations.
The Difference between Winning and Succeeding
Emphasis on winning is often so much of the focus on youth sports today and this video I feel brings to the surface that in most instances success is a better way to measure progress. Watch the video and see what you think?
Pool play is a process that can be used by a coach of a U13 or older team when their roster is above 18 players. It allows the “sharing” of roster positions between several players.
Any player or parent that has an issue with a coaching action or decision should first wait at least 24 hours following the event to address the issue. This provides all parties time to process the circumstances at issue.
Severe weather would constitute thunder, lightning, high wind, torrential rain and the guideline below should be followed.
The high heat guideline should also be followed in the event you do not receive any guideance from RDYSL for league play or practices.
Both of these guidelines are strongly enforced and will be followed by every team to avoid fines or corrective action by the RDYSL League or Victor Soccer Club
Included with your league fee is one tournament of choice per team/coach up to $450.
Teams may particiapte in more than one tournament if the coach/team would like but this will be up to the team to fund the additional tournaments.
Winter leagues are also a possibility to use the $450 fee to assist in league play if they wish.
Medical release forms are required every season and should be complete and returned to the coach/manager.
Managers or coaches will need to have these forms on them for every game in the event there is an emergency and requires someone to be contacted or released to a hospital. This form provides that consent.
TIP: Collect all completed forms for your roster and scan them into a digital file and add them to your cell phone or upload to a coach profile into TeamSnap for quick access.
Pool play is a process that can be used by a coach of a U13 or older team when their roster is above 18 players. It allows the “sharing” of roster positions between several players.
Everything TeamSnap
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