TeamSnap FAQs
Access Your Team Site
Once you've connected with your team, accessing the team site from the My Teams dashboard is as easy as one click (once you're logged in)!
1. Login from the web at
2. On the My Teams and Leagues Dashboard go to My Teams
3. Just click on your roster name to below the team name to gain access to the team site under the appropriate roster profile.
If you have multiple profiles on a team, this gives you quick access to interact with the team using the selected roster profile.
Team Missing from Account
Once your email address is added to a roster profile in TeamSnap, it is enabled to receive team messages sent out to the team. If you don't see the team when you log into TeamSnap, here are a few of the reasons that may be, and how you can address them.
Unaccepted or Unsent Invitation
It may be that you have not fully accepted your team invitation or your invitation has not been sent out yet. You'll want to ensure you have accepted any team invites you have received, and if you aren't able to locate those in your email you can always find your team invite. Once you have accepted, the team will be added to your account and you can access it there going forward. You can also ask your team manager to make sure that the invitation has been sent to you by resending your invitation.
Multiple TeamSnap Accounts
Many of us have more than one email address, and occasionally users have inadvertently set up more than one TeamSnap account under different emails. If it is a possibility for you, it is worth checking to see if you have more than one account. The missing team may be under an account for your other email address. The account email and roster email are not always the same, and updates to your roster email will not unlink it from the original account email. If you find that this is the case, we recommend that you merge your accounts to minimize future confusion.
Team Hidden from View in Mobile App
Users on our iOS or Android mobile apps have the ability to hide and unhide teams in their team list view. It's worth taking a look to see if you may have hidden the team at some point.
Add Family or Contacts to a Profile
Learn how to add and invite additional people to have access to a team under a member profile. Anyone added to a member's roster profile will have their own TeamSnap account access to the team and will not share the same login credentials.
Family members and other roster contacts can be added by the main roster contact and/or team admins once the main roster contact has accepted their invitation. Since the primary contact is usually a parent, this is also where the player's information can be entered to set up access to the team using their own email login, if they have one.
In this article
Adding Family or Contacts (Web)
- Click the Roster tab
- Click on member name
- Click + Add Family Member button
- Enter contact details (first name, last name and email address required to send invite)
- Optional: Enter a label to help easily identify the contact or the contact/player relationship
- Select the Invite to Join? checkbox at the bottom of the screen if you'd like this person to have access to the team under this profile
- Click Save
Adding Family or Contacts (iOS)
- Tap the Roster tab
- Tap on the primary member's name
- Tap Edit in the top right
- Tap + Family Members
- Enter contact details
- Suggested: Enter a label to help easily identify the contact or the contact/player relationship
- Tap to toggle Invite to Join to ON at the top of the screen
- Tap Save in the top-right corner
Adding Family or Contacts (Android)
- Tap the Roster tab
- Tap on the primary member's name
- Tap Add Family Member
- Enter contact details
- Tap the gear icon next to the email field
- Suggested: Enter a label to help easily identify the contact or the contact/player relationship
- Tap to toggle Invite to join to ON
- Tap OK
- Tap the checkmark icon in the top-right corner to save
What's Next
Added contacts with an email that matches an existing TeamSnap account will automatically be granted access and sent an access notification email. Otherwise, regular email invitations will be sent to each email address and will not be auto-accepted.
Subscribe to a Team Schedule
Make life easier by subscribing to your team’s schedule on your computer or mobile device’s calendar!
This will allow you to have your team's full schedule of games and events show up automatically in your calendar, and update automatically anytime your coach or team manager makes a change.
It’s like finally getting that personal assistant you’ve always dreamed of!
In this Article
- Google Calendar
- Android Mobile App
- Google Calendar App for iOS
- iOS Mobile App
- iCal, Microsoft Outlook, and iCal-compatible Calendars
- Outlook 2007
- Outlook 2003
Unsubscribe from a Team Schedule
Still getting event updates for a team you are no longer a part of or just don't want to be subscribed to the schedule anymore? Click the appropriate link below for the steps to unsubscribe and stop the reminders.
In this article
View Multiple Team Schedules
Web app
We know that a lot of people (and especially families) have multiple teams within their TeamSnap accounts, so at the bottom of your My Teams and Leagues dashboard page you’ll not only see a list of upcoming events for all of your teams but also a button labeled Go to My Full Schedule that will take you to a calendar showing you all the games and events for all of the teams on your account.
The full calendar is an easy way to see everything for all of your teams in one place. You can click on any game or event for more information, or use the Subscribe/Export button to grab an iCal feed of everything for your favorite calendar program.
Mobile app
You can also access the all team schedule from the mobile app as well. From your team list/dashboard select All Team Schedule to view the combined schedule of all your teams' current games and events.
To learn about subscribing to your combined Full Schedule, click here!
Access Archived or Retired Seasons
Any team member or administrator with access to the team at the time the team was archived or retired will have access to the retired/archived season or team from their TeamSnap dashboard.
- Log into TeamSnap
- Optional: Click the Show Archived Seasons below the My Leagues section to view archived league seasons
- Click the organization or division name to access the archive
- Click the organization or division name to access the archive
- Optional: Click Show Archived/Retired Seasons below the My Teams section to view archived or retired team seasons
- Click your member name below the team name to access the retired or archived team season
- Click your member name below the team name to access the retired or archived team season
- Click the button again to hide the retired/archived teams or seasons list
Not Receiving Email Notifications
Double check that your email address is enabled to receive team emails:
- Click the Roster tab
- Click your name in the roster list
- Click Edit
- Ensure that the Receive Team Email box is checked
- Click Save
If you're still not receiving TeamSnap emails, please follow the steps on this link to whitelist your email address: Common Email Issues