Recreation Soccer FAQs
Typically parents are notified in mid to late May (summer season) and early September (fall season) of their child’s practice times and dates.
Please see our Age Matrix for age eligibility!
While this generally is not advised, a player who is at the oldest age for their classification may be allowed to play in the next oldest age group. A parent or guardian will have to make a special request at registration. The Victor Soccer Club Board will need to discuss this with the parent or guardian and possibly evaluate the player before granting permission.
Yes, however there may be scheduling conflicts..
Shin guards and cleats are required for practice and games for players playing recreation soccer (ages 7 and up). Micro Soccer (5 & 6 yrs old) may wear sneakers but soccer cleats are recommended. A water bottle should be brought to every game and practice. Soccer balls are available at the practice fields, but it is helpful if a player brings their own ball, clearly labeled, to ensure there are enough for individual activities.
Full Uniforms are provided to recreation players (ages 7 and up): a numbered soccer jersey, soccer shorts and soccer socks. Micro Soccer players will receive a soccer jersey.
No. As Victor Soccer Club’s Recreation Program is designed to be "just for fun", no official score or standings are kept.
Rain does not mean a game or practice is cancelled. For games, coaches and referees must meet at the field to determine playing conditions before canceling. Players should report to the field by game time. Soccer can be safely played in a light to moderate rain. We will not play or practice while lightning is visible from the field location.
If you do not receive an email from the Victor Soccer Club Director or Coaches please assume games will be scheduled as planned and arrive at your scheduled game time. Please DO NOT email the Victor Soccer Club asking if there will be games as you will not receive a response.
The summer Recreation Soccer season runs in June and July and the fall recreation soccer season runs in September and October. There may be times when the Recreation Soccer season overlaps the regular season for most local baseball, softball or lacrosse leagues.
Victor Soccer Club is a volunteer run organization and can only be successful with parent’s participation. If you are interested in volunteering for Victor Soccer Club, please contact us for more information.
If you are interested in being a coach, please fill out the coaching application.