Victor Soccer Code of Conduct
Parents can be a very positive influence on the game and are encouraged to attend as many events as possible to support their children.
Expectations of parents are as follows:
*Enjoy the games
*Understand the game
*Participate in your child’s learning experience
*Watch the game as an observer and appreciate what the players have learned about the game and how their skills are progressing
*Promote the team above the individual
*Provide only constructive congratulations, not destructive criticism
*Allow the coaches to coach the game
*Don’t call players by their name or number. It distracts them from other communication from coaches and teammates
*Don’t tell the players what to do with the ball or how to position themselves. If you have suggestions, share them with the coaches in private after the game
All players, coaches, referees, and parents are to be treated with respect. Demonstrations of negative behavior at soccer games will not be tolerated. Do not speak negatively about other players. Do not direct any comments to the referees. This behavior can result in action by the Club and/or fines levied by RDYSL. The Club will not tolerate negative behavior towards referees. Understand that referees are young and still learning in many cases. They are in short supply and doing a job that most of us would not want to do.
Realize that soccer is a contact sport and a fair amount is allowed without fouls being called. Fouls will be called by the referee for inappropriate play or actions. Most of us on the sideline don’t know the rules all that well, so let the referees and coaches do their jobs.
Help others on the sidelines to stay calm – lighten the mood.
During regular league games, there should be separate sidelines for “home” and “visiting” teams’ spectators. This is provided to ease any tension between opposing teams. Keep on the side of the field occupied by your team’s spectators.
After the game, stay positive with your player vs. going through a full game analysis. Feed them!
Parents will be responsible for any fines incurred as spectators according to the current fine schedule as disclosed on the Rochester District Youth Soccer League website under their Rules and Regulations. The first offense fine is $150 and repeated offenses will be higher (2013 fine schedule). In addition, the club reserves the right to suspend a spectator from league games. Fines apply to travel teams only, but the board reserves the right to take other action as needed regardless of whether the occurrence relates to a travel or recreational team.
Players are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times while representing Victor Soccer Club. Violence and/or repeated conduct which is in violation of the rules of the game will not be tolerated.
Expectations of players are as follows:
*Play the game and enjoy it. Have fun.
*Work hard, listen to your coaches and learn.
*Promote the team above the individual.
*Be proud when you and your team succeeds, but be gracious winners. When your team loses, accept the loss and learn from it.
All players, coaches, referees, and parents are to be treated with respect. Demonstrations of negative behavior at soccer games will not be tolerated.
Players and parents will be responsible for any fines incurred by players according to the current fine schedule as disclosed on the Rochester District Youth Soccer League website under their Rules and Regulations. The fines range from $25 - $500 depending on the severity of the violation.