Summer Recreation Program

Summer Recreation Cost & Dates

Early Bird - TBD
Late Registrations - TBD

Registration Dates 
Early Bird Special: March - April
Late Registrations: April-May

Season Dates 
Practice Week May 29th - June 2nd
Season Starts June 5th - July 30th


Know the Rules

  • Rules specific to age level
  • Game Format and Length of Games
  • Number of Players on the Field
  • When to make substitutions
  • Age specific exceptions


Summer Registrations Are Now CLOSED!

Division Information (PLANNED)

Micro Soccer:
Ages 5-6 (Coed)

Club Soccer:
Ages 7-8 (Girls)
Ages 7-8 (Boys)
Ages 9-10 (Girls)
Ages 9-10 (Boys)
Ages 11-12 (Coed)
Ages 13-14 (Coed)

Micro Soccer (Ages 5-6)

Micro Soccer is a program that includes age appropriate activities involving games or activities where all the players are involved and the activity is appropriate for the player’s age group and development. Children need to be successful to learn. Asking a 6 year old or younger player to play a position or formation is setting them up for failure. They do not have the technical or cognitive ability to play a position successfully.

Summer Micro Soccer will take place either on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday for approximately 1 hour. Dates and times are determined prior to the start of  the season and are set by the program director.  The season for summer micro-soccer is the same as the season for the summer recreation program (Approximately the first week of June through the end of July).
Parents will be able to chose a preference for the day they would prefer to play. There are no guarantees to the selection but will try to take every request into consideration. Each week teams will meet and participate in 4 skills stations for the first 20 minutes. Teams will rotate though each station after 5 minutes at each station. Each group will be lead by coaches and volunteers. Every player will receive the same instruction/activities followed by a small sided game at every session.  All players will receive a Victor Soccer Club uniform. Shin guards are required as well as socks that cover the shin guards. Cleats are not required but encouraged on the grass fields.

Club Soccer (Ages 7-14)

Starting in 2017 teams will be scheduled to practice and play games on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday as they have in the past, however instead of playing 2 games per week practices will be held on the Monday or Tuesday of that week and games scheduled Wednesday and Thursday each week. Times and locations will be updated once the schedules are released at the beginning of the season. The decision was made based on coaching and player feedback indicating the lack of practice times to assist in developing soccer skills. We will make every effort to have similar age and gender teams practicing on the fields at the same time slots to encourage scrimmage/game play at the end of each practice.

The actual schedule cannot be completed until we know how many registrants and teams we will have in each age group. The program uses fields located at Farmington and Victor town parks. Until the number of teams in each age group is known, it is not possible to give specifics on dates, times or locations for each group.

Age brackets are 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14. The player’s age is determined by Calendar Year (January - December). Some leagues may be coed, however, we have had enough registrants in recent years to have separate boys’ and girls’ leagues in the 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12 age groups. If that holds true this year, those age groups would likely be split again.

NEW! Pickup Soccer (Ages 15-16)

New this season we will be offering a Coed Pickup League for anyone interested in playing soccer. This will be FREE program without any commitments. The format will be "sand lot" style where players arrive and are divided into teams by the Coach/Volunteer and play 9v9, 10v10, or 11v11. Time slot will be 1 hour and 30 minutes to play and have fun. The Coaches/volunteers attending will officiate the games to keep them fun and safe for everyone.

Still Have Questions?

Checkout our Program FAQs