Recreation Soccer - Return to Play (RTP) Guidelines
Implementing our Return to Play Guidelines will require everyone working together within our Club: Coaches, Team Admins, Parents, and Players. While the Club, Coach & Team Admins must create a safe environment, our Parents must make the decision for their child to return to play. If, as a parent you are not comfortable in your child’s returning to play – DON’T. And finally, Players must be responsible to adhere to, and respect the social distancing requirements and contact guidelines that have been established.
The roles/responsibilities for each include:
IMPORTANT: If you are sick or exhibiting any symptoms of illness, PLEASE STAY HOME.
Take temperature daily and especially before activities with others. Players with fevers or other symptoms are not permitted to attend training.
Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
Contact the VSC Board of Directors immediately if your player has a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Club Responsibilities
Coach Responsibilities
Parent Responsibilities
Player Responsibilities
- MUST provide Hold Harmless Waiver for each Player prior to attending any training sessions.
- Create and distribute protocols to members.
- Provide tracking method for Health Checks prior to any event.
- Contact local public health officials to notify adult leaders, youth and their families if the organization becomes aware of a participant or adult leader who has developed COVID- 19 and may have been infectious to others while at a youth activity.
- Cancel training for any team who has a player or coach who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Train and educate all staff on protocols and requirements, including state and local regulations, CDC recommendations and other necessary safety information.
- MUST have completed/signed Hold Harmless Waiver from each Player prior to attending any training sessions.
- Take temperature daily and especially before activities with others. Coaches with fevers or other symptoms are not permitted to attend training.
- Ensure the health and safety of the participants.
- Follow all state and local health protocols and guidelines.
- Ensure all athletes have and use their own individual equipment (ball, water, bag, etc.).
- Ensure one designated coach is the only person to handle equipment (e.g. cones, disk etc.); do not enlist parental or attendee assistance.
- Team assistant coaches will oversee compliance of COVID-19 return to play protocols at the team level during training.
- Always wear a face mask/covering, even when not actively coaching.
- Coaches will maintain social distance requirements from players based on state and local health requirements.
- Disinfect all equipment before and after use.
- Require parents to confirm their child is symptom free before attending training.
- Require completed Health Checks prior to each event, practice, scrimmage.
- Log attendance of players at each training.
- If you are made aware, immediately report confirmed cases of COVID-19 to VSC Board of Directors.
- Ensure your child is healthy and check your child’s temperature before activities with others. Players with fevers or other symptoms are not permitted to attend practices/games.
- No carpooling or very limited carpooling should occur.
- Stay in car or adhere to social distance requirements, based on state and local health requirements.
- When at practice or game, wear a mask if outside your car.
- Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every practice or game.
- Ensure all equipment is VISIBLY LABELED with your player’s name.
- Ensure all equipment (cleats, ball, shin guards etc.) are sanitized before and after every training.
- Be sure your child has necessary sanitizing products with them at every training.
- No congregating for parents and players in parking lots or on sidelines both before and after training.
- If you are made aware, immediately report confirmed cases of COVID-19 to any VSC administrator.
- No more than 2 spectators allowed per game/practice
- Take your temperature daily and especially before activities with others. Players with fevers or other symptoms are not permitted to attend training.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after practice/games.
- Bring, and use, hand sanitizer with you at every practice/game.
- Wear mask before and immediately after all practice/game.
- Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment, water, food or bags. Be sure all equipment is VISIBLY LABELED with player’s name.
- Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
- Wash and sanitize all equipment before and after every training.
- No group celebrations, high-5s, hugs, handshakes, fist-bumps, etc.
- Follow all CDC guidelines as well those of your local health authorities.
- Players should not carpool to/from practices/games.
- No congregating for parents and players in parking lots or on sidelines both before and after practices/games.
- Do not attend practice/game if you’ve recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19.
Game/Practice Protocols:
- Masks are required for ALL entering the playing fields from the moment they exit their vehicles in the parking lot until they return into their vehicles.
- The players/teams will be on the inner sidelines and all spectators must sit on the outer sidelines or end lines.
- Players will be assigned spaces, by the coach.
- Players will be allowed to remove their masks during practices and games and when playing in the field.
- If a player is not on the field or not preparing to enter the game, a mask must be worn.
- Spectators must maintain a 6-foot distance between themselves and all other spectators.
- Spectators must maintain a 10 feet distance from the sideline of the field.
- The two spectators for the specific player may be closer than 6 feet to each other, but masks must be worn.
If a spectator chooses to NOT wear to mask, the following must happen:
- They must be 10 feet from the sideline.
- They must be seated.
- They must be 6 feet from any spectators that are not part of their regular interactions.
- If a masked spectator has a concern about the proximity of an unmasked spectator, the masked spectator must move farther away or wear their mask.
Reporting Plan
ALL individuals that tests positive or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19 has a duty to report to the Club. Report immediately to any Board Member via txt (585-364-1702) or email ( Use of the TeamSnap Health Check application will also assist in identifying symptoms. If you do not pass a health check you are not allowed to participate for that event and should continue to look for symptoms before the next event. If symptoms persist you should contact medical personnel immediately, communicate to the club and follow the intructions below to continue to play. It is extremely important you take these protocols serioulsy to insure the safety of your child and to all of those participating in this program.
Any individual (player, coach, staff or parent/guardian) who has tested positive for COVID-19 must be symptom free after 14 days and cleared by medical personnel before participating in any activities with Victor Soccer Club. Activities include practices, scrimmages, friendly matches, tournaments, team bonding exercises, or gatherings. This is not an exhaustive list.
Any asymptomatic player, coach or staff member who has been exposed to an individual with a suspected or diagnosed case of COVID-19 will be restricted from participation for at least 14 days and monitored for any symptoms consistent with infection before being allowed to participate in any activities. All Team Members & Coaching Staff of an infected player MUST quarantine for 14 days (or until symptom free) and may not participate in any activities.
If asymptomatic after 14 days since last exposure, the player, coach, or staff member can return to participation.
Exposure means any one of the following:
- Caring for a person with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
- Living in the same household as an individual with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
- Being within 6 feet of an individual with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection for around 10 minutes or more.
- OR: coming in direct contact with secretions from an individual with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection (being coughed on, sneezed on or sharing a water bottle or other item).
- Any staff, player, coach or parent/guardian reporting or demonstrating symptoms of illness at any point will be prohibited from participating in any activities with Gates Youth Soccer and must seek guidance from his or her physician before returning to training.
Safety Tips for Covid-19
MANDATORY TeamSnap Health Checks
We will be requiring every player to complete the Health Check prior to attending any Victor Soccer Club Event.
The Health Check "app" is included with your TeamSnap Account (supported on both iPhone and Andriod).
Please watch the overview video to the left or visit the links below for more information.