Any player or parent that has an issue with a coaching action or decision should first wait at least 24 hours following the event to address the issue. This provides all parties time to process the circumstances.

If the issue concerns the team (which includes parents or players) on which your child plays or concerns your child directly:

  1. Discuss the matter with your child’s Head Coach or Team Manager.
  2. If the discussion with them and the subsequent action, if any was taken, fails to address the issue, direct your concerns to the appropriate Division Coordinator.
  3. If you feel the Division Coordinator has not addressed your concerns adequately, you may contact the Victor Soccer Club Director of Coaching and Club Vice President/President in that order and file a formal grievance outlined within the VSC grievance policy.

If the issue concerns a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager:

  1. First talk to the Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Managers, if possible. If the circumstances are such that talking to them is not a viable option, please ask all involved to complete the coaching feedback form (link below) and also email/direct your concerns to the appropriate Division Coordinator. The submitted form will be sent to the Victor Soccer Club Board of Directors for review with the gender appropriate Division Coordinator.

    Coach Feedback Form

  2. If you feel the Division Coordinator has not addressed your concerns adequately, then please complete a formal grievance outlined within the VSC grievance policy and contact the Club Vice-President and/or President.

Code of Conduct Violations:

Any violations of the Player/Parent Code of Conduct or other applicable Club agreements or policies shall be referred to the Club VP and Club President for further investigation and potential sanctions. Such sanctions may include, but are not necessarily limited to, a warning, suspension, probation, and/or dismissal from the Club. The decisions of our Club VP and President are final and not subject to appeal.


The foregoing procedures were created to ensure that the needs of Victor Soccer Club families are met by the Club in an open, consistent, and objective manner. If you feel that any unusual circumstances hinder or are outside the scope of these procedures, please contact the Club VP or Club President for further assistance.