Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Indoor Training Sessions
Masks will be provided to all coaching staff and masks are to be worn into and from a practice session while inside following the Pinnacle Covid-19 guidelines.
Masks are required in all training sessions.
Outside Training Sessions
Masks will be provided for all coaching staff to be worn to and from the practice session.
Masks are required in all training sessions.
Game Play
All coaching staff present will be required to wear a mask before, during, and after the event until they have reached their vehicle.
Per NYSDOH - Sport and Recreation Master Guidance -
Responsible Parties must ensure a distance of at least six feet is maintained among individuals at all
times, whether indoor or outdoor, unless safety or the core activity (e.g. practicing, playing) requires
a shorter distance. If a shorter distance is required, individuals must wear acceptable face coverings,
unless players are unable to tolerate a face covering for the physical activity (e.g. practicing,
playing); provided, however, that coaches, trainers, and other individuals who are not directly
engaged in physical activity are required to wear a face covering.
o Acceptable face coverings for COVID-19 include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings
and disposable masks that cover both the mouth and nose.
Indoor Training
Spectators are allowed within the Pinnacle Facility per their current guidelines. It is encouraged to limit the number of spectators for a training session to one adult to assist in the ability to social distance. Spectators must watch from the top overlook area at Pinnacle and ARE NOT ALLOWED on the training surface or track. Masks must be worn to, from and during the session.
Outdoor Training
It is encouraged to watch or wait during outside practice sessions from within your automobile and limiting the number of particapants to one adult. Masks must be worn to, from and during the session.
Game Play
RDYSL League play guidelines have not been provided to clubs to what their guidelines will be and will be communicated to all members when they are published. It is again recommended to limit the number of participants, enforce social distancing guidelines and masks must be worn at all time.
Yes. Routinely cleaning and disinfecting equipment and frequently touched surfaces is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Even though getting COVID-19 by touching an object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, we are still learning more about this virus.
Therefore, CDC recommends that you clean and disinfect equipment and frequently touched surfaces on or around the field, court, or play surface such as drinking fountains at least daily, or between uses as much as possible. Shared objects and equipment such as balls, bats, gymnastics equipment, and protective gear should be cleaned and disinfected between use by different individuals if possible. For more information, refer to the Considerations for Youth Sports. Additionally, CDC recommends the use of disinfectants on the Environmental Protection Agency’s List Nexternal iconexternal icon, which includes about 400 disinfectants that are effective against the virus that causes COVID-19.
Another effective way to decrease the risk of COVID-19 spread is to discourage the sharing of items that are difficult to clean or disinfect. One way to do this is to be sure that you have adequate supplies to minimize sharing of equipment (such as protective gear, balls, bats, water bottles). If it is not possible to have dedicated equipment for each player, limit use of supplies and equipment to one smaller group of players at a time and clean and disinfect those supplies and equipment between use.
MANDATORY TeamSnap Health Checks
We will be requiring every player to complete the Health Check prior to attending any Victor Soccer Club Event.
The Health Check "app" is included with your TeamSnap Account (supported on both iPhone and Andriod).
Please watch the overview video to the left or visit the links below for more information.
First, as it applies to the community in general, there are medical protocols that they will be informed of by their doctor and/or the Department of Health. Second, as it pertains to the soccer community, they must inform the club. The club must protect their confidentiality but must inform others within the club that could have been in contact with that person. Those individuals should then quarantine at home.
Please Follow the Reporting Plan instructions in the Covid-19 Resources section for complete details!