1. Before going any further, please be sure you have a valid risk management pass from NYSWYSA
or any US Youth Soccer state association (IE. ENY, EPA, PAW, etc.). No coach will be permitted
into a NYSWYSA coaching course without a valid background check administered through a USYS
state association risk management processes. The NYSWYSA risk management process takes
approximately two weeks to complete. You may begin that process by going here.
While candidates will not be prevented from registering for a course without risk
management clearance, they will be placed on a waiting list. Wait listed candidates are not
guaranteed a place in the course until proof of clearance is provided. Courses will be closed out
once the requisite class limit has been met. Candidates with risk management clearance take
precedent over wait listed candidates. (IE. It is possible for a wait listed candidate whose risk
management status is pending to be closed out of a course while they are waiting for clearance).
2. If you intend to take a Grass Roots or D-License course from NYSWYSA at any time, you must
first set up a free account in the Digital Coaching Center (DCC) from US Soccer. The DCC is the
only way to register for and take a coaching education course from NYSWYSA or US Soccer. The
DCC is both a warehouse of information and a management tool for all of your coaching
education needs. While registering, you will also need to participate in the 20 minute,
Introduction to Coaching activity. This is also required before even registering for any coaching
course hosted in the DCC.